martes, 1 de junio de 2010

¡URGENTE! Rezad por la Iglesia en la India

Me llega este correo de un amigo Claretiano, que me pide con urgencia mandar el correo a todos mis contactos. Acabo de hacerlo, y he pensado que sería una buena idea, pedir la oración comunitaria desde este blog. Os pido a todos, que hagáis esa oración que nos piden nuestros hermanos católicos que desde este bello nos piden ayuda.

Rezad por la Iglesia de la India.

Extremistas budistas, en la India han prendido fuego a 20 iglesias en la noche pasada. Esta tarde han planificado por destruir 200 iglesias en la provincia de Olisabang.
Tienen intención de matar a 200 misioneros entre las próximas 24 horas.
En este momento todos los cristianos se están escondiendo en las “aldeas”. Rezad por ellos y enviad este e-mail a todos los cristianos que conocéis. Pedir a Dios que tenga piedad de nuestros hermanos y hermanas de la India.

Cuando recibáis este mensaje, os ruego enviarlo con urgencia a otras personas.

Rezad por ellos a nuestro omnipotente y victorioso Señor.

P. Samuel M. Chetcuti OFM Conv.
P. Provincial de los Frailes Franciscanos Conventuales
República Street, Valletta VLT 1110, Malt Tef. (356) 21241167
Fax (356) 21223556
Mob (336) 99865668

E-mail: san


1 comentario:

Joe Gorest dijo...

It is absolutely right about Christians being persecuted in Orissa (India) and about their plight being overlooked by "western powers".
There is no province in India. There are states. There is no province or state called Olisabang in India. Olisaband is a chinese pronunciation of Orissa (Olisa), State (band, the pronunciation of State in Chinese). It seems to me the origin message is from a Chinese who misinterpreted an English source at the end of 2008, then spread……
There are buddhist extremists in places like Srilanka (Ceylon) but in India they are quite moderate. Buddhists are a minority in India . Their numbers in India are probably fewer than that of Christians. "Buddhist extremists" is an unheard of term in India. Buddhist is a very moderate even a weak religion/social class in India, there is no way they would do it. But there are many hindu extremists in India. Hindu extremists threatened, destroyed families/properties and killed Christians violently. Especially soon after a Hindu leader was assassinated in Aug 24, 2008. One of my reliable source is EFI (Evangelical Fellowship of India). So this is either inaccurate or a hoax.
This is not to say that we should not pray for our brothers and sisters in India. They are facing persecution, especially at the State of Orissa.
This information pertains to a chain mail or spam flooding the internet - I would call it a hoax.
If you want to call to find out from a real Franciscan priest in Malt: Rev. William Bartolo OFM Conv. Address St Francis Convent, Republic Street Valletta VLT 1110, Telephone 2123 4019; 21248623
Here is a link that could clear your doubts.